Our School Council is made up of two children from each class from Y1 to Y6. They meet with the Deputy Principal most weeks and the school councillors then report back to their class. They also have discussions with their class and collect suggestions and comments in their notebook to bring to the next meeting.

School Council Vision Statement

The work of our School Council is achieved through trust, reliability, cooperative team work and positive attitudes to:

Make our school even better than it is now.

Raise money for our school and charities.

Join in discussions and make decisions.

Share and collect ideas so that everyone is represented

Make school a happy and supportive place to be.

The Year 5 councillors have recently organised a non-school uniform day to support our sponsored child who lives in Uganda. They advertised it in the newsletter and during assembly and it very successfully raised more than enough money for her year’s sponsorship.

Red Nose Day 2017

The aunty of one of our pupils works for Comic Relief and each year she arranges for a famous person to send our children a message to inspire them to collect as much money as possible for Comic Relief. This year it was Ed Sheeran. Scroll further down the page to see who else sent us messages in previous years.


Sport Relief 2016

In 2016, the aunty mentioned above was part of the team supporting Eddie Izzard on his 27 marathons in 27 days challenge in South Africa. Here is the message Eddie sent us…

… and here is the film we sent him to inspire him to keep on going with his challenge.

Film for Eddie Izzard

Red Nose Day 2015

Our first inspirational messages came from Lenny Henry and Dermot O’Leary…